1. Answers
  2. Alignment Program

How much time does the strategic planning process take?

Overview of the time commitment for the strategic planning process

  1. Once we agree to work together on the strategic planning process, we typically have a minimum time frame of three weeks for pre-work, consisting of interviews, surveys, and a document review. 
  2. We will then facilitate the development of your strategic plan either in person (over two to three days) or online (over five to seven weeks).
  3. Once we complete the initial strategic planning process, we will begin the post-planning process, where we provide a one-hour post-planning call alongside written recap and supporting visual documentation within 10 business days. Additionally, there are two (optional) post-planning support calls for you and your leadership team to support you as you work towards implementing your plan. 

After this point, we offer three tiers of annual implementation support if you choose to continue your work with our team.

Note: We typically require the completion of our Alignment Program (strategic plan development) prior to entering into one of our implementation programs. If you have recently completed the strategic planning process and are interested in implementation support from our team, we will need to review your plan to determine if it meets our criteria. If it does not meet our criteria, we may suggest a three-hour alignment session or the completion of our full Alignment Program to ensure your team is ready for implementation. 

Additionally, if you are not sure your team is ready for a full strategic planning process, we offer three-hour virtual Alignment sessions to have critical conversations about: 

  • Your organization’s current state (What’s going well? What’s getting in the way?)
  • Your organization’s future state (What is our aligned vision for the future?) 
  • Next steps to move towards this vision 

These sessions include surveys as a part of the pre-work process and a written recap following your session.