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Change Management Fuels Tech Innovation - Conversation with Nicholas Lalla

By Anthony Taylor - February 13, 2025


The rise of tech hubs isn't limited to Silicon Valley or New York City. Mid-sized cities across the US are recognizing their potential to become innovation powerhouses. But building a thriving tech ecosystem requires more than just attracting startups; it demands effective change management and robust strategic planning.

In this episode of C-suite Conversations, Anthony speaks with Nicholas Lalla (the visionary behind Tulsa Innovation Labs and author of Reinventing the Heartland) about how these two critical elements are driving Tulsa's transformation into a burgeoning tech hub. They delve into the challenges, the triumphs, and the interplay of change management and strategic planning in this exciting journey.





From Vision to Reality: The Importance of Change Management and Strategic Planning

Tulsa Innovation Labs isn't an overnight success. It's the result of careful strategic planning and, crucially, effective change management. As Nicholas Lalla explains, building a tech hub requires a fundamental shift in mindset, not just within the business community but also within the broader city. Strategic planning provides the roadmap, while change management guides stakeholders through the process of transformation, addressing concerns and building consensus around a shared vision. These two elements are inextricably linked.

Navigating the Challenges of Change: The Role of Strategic Planning

The journey of building a tech hub is fraught with challenges. Resistance to change, differing priorities, and the complexities of urban planning can all present significant hurdles. In our conversation, Nicholas highlights the specific change management strategies, informed by strategic planning, employed by Tulsa Innovation Labs to overcome these obstacles. He emphasizes the importance of:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Successfully managing change requires bringing all stakeholders to the table. This includes businesses, residents, government officials, and educational institutions. Open communication and collaboration, guided by a clear strategic plan, are essential for building trust and ensuring everyone is aligned with the vision.
  • Strategic Focus: Change management initiatives must be grounded in a clear strategic vision and plan. Knowing what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there is crucial for navigating the complexities of urban development and tech innovation. Strategic planning provides this focus.
  • Urban Planning: Building a tech hub often involves physical changes to the city landscape. Effective change management, as part of the strategic plan, must consider the impact of these changes on the community and ensure that development aligns with the overall vision for the city.


Decentralizing Innovation: A New Model for Growth

One of the most compelling aspects of the Tulsa story is its role in decentralizing the innovation economy. For too long, tech innovation has been concentrated in a few major cities. Tulsa Innovation Labs is demonstrating that mid-sized cities can play a significant role in driving innovation and economic growth. This decentralization is not just good for Tulsa; it's good for the country that surrounds it. It unlocks the potential of previously untapped talent pools and creates new opportunities for economic development. This is all part of a broader strategic plan.

Key Takeaways and Sound Bites:

  • Every city can become a tech hub: With the right strategic planning and a focus on change management, any city can cultivate its own unique tech ecosystem.
  • Strategic focus and hard choices are essential: Building a tech hub requires making difficult decisions and prioritizing key initiatives, all guided by strategic planning.
  • Collaboration across sectors is paramount: Successful innovation ecosystems require collaboration between businesses, government, and the community, facilitated by strategic planning and change management.
  • "This is an exercise in change management": Nicholas Lalla's insightful statement underscores the central role of change management in building a thriving tech hub, alongside strategic planning.


To learn more about Tulsa's transformation and the crucial role of change management and strategic planning in building a tech hub, listen to the full episode of C-suite Conversations with Nicholas Lalla. [Link to Podcast Episode] and 


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