SME Strategy is a strategy consulting company that specializes in aligning teams around their vision, mission, values, goals and action plans. Learn more about how we can help align your team with our strategic planning and implementation services.
Hey, everyone, Anthony Taylor here. I'm the Managing Partner at SME Strategy. Today I wanted to do like a slightly different video, which is kind of a behind the scenes video. I really wanted to talk to you about our mission and our purpose and why we exist.
So 2015, something like that, we had our very first conference as SME Strategy. Since then, we haven't been through too many iterations, but admittedly we started our company doing business planning, helping entrepreneurs move forward, helping teams be more successful and facilitating strategic planning. And when we do strategy conversations, we talk about the mission - like really, what is it that you do? What is the widget that you provide? What is the outcome that you provide? And as I was reflecting on this 11 years in, it really came full circle.
So building more effective teams through facilitated strategic planning. That's really at the heart of everything that we do. We talk a lot about alignment, we talk a lot about strategic planning, and we talk a lot about leadership development. But at the heart of it, we start with the foundation of strategic planning, so that we can help leadership teams be more effective.
So why am I telling you this now, and what I want you to do with this information? If you're part of a leadership team, I want you to consider that by using strategic planning, by creating a strategic plan for your team and getting your team aligned around that one destination of where you want to go, it is instantly going to make your leadership team more effective.
Sometimes I joke with people, I say 'hey, I don't really care about your strategic plan'. I'm just using the strategic plan as a Trojan horse to help your team work more effectively together, communicate, aim at the same thing, and have a clear, aligned set of values and behaviours so that you can work together and have a better life. And I say it in jest, but you know, all good jokes have a grain of truth into it.
We can help you align your team around a clear vision, mission, values, goals and action plans,
so you can lead your organization more effectively and get better results.
Whether you work with us or not, of course, we'd love to work with you. We'd love to partner with you on your strategy creation and implementation. I'm really encouraging you and inviting you to go through the strategic plan for yourself, so that your leadership team can accomplish more. I was talking to somebody on the phone yesterday, and I said 'why do you want to do strategic planning? Why now? Why not kick it down the road?' And he said 'I guess we could kick it down the road, like we could do it later'. And then he started talking to me about this board and started talking to me about his leadership team. I said, 'Well, it sounds like your people are ready for this, like they want this'.
So it's not a nice to have, it's gonna become a must have. Because the people in your organization want to win and they're ready for that plan. They're ready for that structure, they're ready to build the foundation for that next level. By the way, this is an incredibly successful company. And so, for you as a leader, and whether that's leading from the top or leading from the middle, if you get the sense that your people are craving that direction, they're craving that clarity. They're just ready to take that next step.
Look at strategic planning. It's a tool that I found 10 years ago, and I thought 'this is awesome, this is going to help me accomplish my goals'. It's a tool that's now my livelihood, the livelihood of our team today. And it makes a noticeable difference in the lives of people beyond work. And so it's really an invitation, you know, do strategic planning with your team. If you go to our website, smestrategy.net, there's a 'Start Here' tab. And that's my invitation. This is the first step that I want you to take.
As you move forward on the strategic planning journey, you might have never done it before, you might be a seasoned veteran in past organizations. But you know, I can't overstate the importance and the value of having alignment and clarity with a leadership team. If you're looking for some help and guidance, we have a course that will walk you through the process, that you can lead your team through. If you're not interested in doing it yourself, we can partner with you to facilitate it for you either in person or virtually. If none of those fit, great, just do it.
Your leadership team will be so much more effective, and you'll have so much more impact, if you create a strategic plan and work within it. So I'd love to hear your experience with a strategic plan. I'd love to see if you accept the challenge, let me know. We've got 40,000 people every month that we talk to and listen to through our blog and podcast. And we've got 20,000 people on our email list. So it's just great to connect with you and hear about your successes.
So reach out, let us know how you're doing. Let us know if you've taken this on in your organization, what the results are, we're here to partner with you. We're gonna be here for a long time. So I'm just grateful for you watching this video, grateful if you accept the challenge, because your people will thank you for it. And I'm grateful for all of our clients and partners that allow us to help them be more effective with their strategic plans.
So my name is Anthony Taylor, you can reach out to us at smestrategy.net, go to the 'Start Here' page. Take that next step if you haven't, and make 2022 and the next couple of years beyond the best years in your leadership life and in your organization.
Thanks for watching. I'll see you soon.