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Create Your Strategic Plan and Support Men's Health - #Movember Fundraiser

By Anthony Taylor - November 08, 2017


I'm a part of a group called the Whiskey Wisemen. It's a society across North America that supports non-profit organizations that do good, while also learning about and consuming Whiskey.

They put together a team to raise money for Movember. Movember is when men grow out mustaches to increase awareness for men's heath, specifically:

My younger brother passed away at the age of 20 from Testicular Cancer, and so this is a cause that has particular closeness to my heart.


I don't want to grow a mustache, but I do what to make a difference in helping prevent such deaths in the future, while also making a difference with organizations around the world (As per our own Mission).

You can visit my Movember page here


Get a 90 minute one on one strategic planning coaching session.

For the Month of November I will be offering up to 20- 90 Minute consultations to teach leaders how to run the strategic planning process with their teams.

Normally we charge $600 for this consultation. 

If you book before November 30th at 11:59 PM, you will get a consultation for only $299 and we will donate $100 to Movember.

AND You'll get a copy of my new book Alignment

AND you'll get access to our video course: Strategic planning 101- How to create your strategic plan

Total Value: $717 for only $299

Get your planning session

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