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Shape the Future & Create Organizational Change: Interview with Aviv Shahar

By Anthony Taylor - February 24, 2020


In this episode of the Strategy & Leadership Podcast, we're joined by Aviv Shahar: author of 'Create New Futures' and founder of Aviv Consulting.

Aviv was born and raised in Israel, and was originally trained to fly supersonic jets in the Israeli Airforce. Since then, he has spent three decades gaining valuable experience working on the executive leadership teams of Fortune 500 companies.

Throughout his work, he's learned that a room full of extremely smart individuals can still produce dysfunction and stupidity. His experience has also helped him realize his passion for helping people unleash their joint capabilities so they're able to create more than the sum of their individual parts. 




During our conversation, Aviv shares his expertise from working with leaders and helping shape futures, including: 

  • Shape the future of your organization
When it comes to planning for the future, many organizations stick to the 3 P's: Print it, Post it on the wall, and Pray it'll make a difference. Aviv has learned that in reality, this doesn't mean very much and will not lead to change. In order to create real positive change, it's necessary to reflect daily on which actions to mobilize in order to improve the services, solutions and value you provide.

  • Having the right conversations to create organizational change
As a leader, Aviv believes the greatest leverage you have is the ability to shape the conversation. It is your job, when you walk into a room, to ask yourself: Are we having the right conversation? If so, is there a smarter way to approach it? And if not, should we be in a different conversation? As a leader, conversation is your currency. 

  • On engagement and buy-in
Aviv believes that the best way to deeply engage people and create meaningful buy-in is to encourage them to create their own future. By bringing the organization into the conversation of imagining the future, they will inherit that future even when the leader has been replaced.

  • Advice for small to medium sized business leaders

Aviv believes that a new mindset among your people is necessary in order to shape your organizations ideal future. Instead of showing up to work focusing only on what they're hired to do, people should also be able to think about how they can transform the work they're doing, and how they can improve themselves.

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