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Solving Big Problems with Radical Collaboration: Lessons from a Global CEO

By Anthony Taylor - September 20, 2024

In a recent episode of the Strategy and Leadership podcast, Anthony Taylor sat down with Toby Southgate, the global CEO of Forsman & Bodenfors, to discuss the intricacies of leading a global creative agency. With a background that includes a stint as Chief Growth Officer at McCann World Group, Toby brought a wealth of experience to the conversation. This post delves into some key takeaways from their discussion, focusing on the unique leadership style at Forsman & Bodenfors and the importance of empowering teams.




Forsman & Bodenfors: A Global Creative Collective


Forsman & Bodenfors is not your typical agency. Founded in Sweden 37 years ago, it has grown into a global creative collective with about 450 employees spread across cities like New York, Toronto, Dublin, London, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Singapore, and Shanghai. Toby described the agency's organizational structure as an inverted pyramid, where leadership's primary role is to support and enable the team.


"We use the word collective to describe how we expect our people to behave as well as how we're organized," Toby explained. This bottom-up leadership approach fosters a culture of empowerment and accountability, essential elements for creative problem-solving and innovation.




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The Balancing Act: Empowerment and Accountability


Toby emphasized that effective teams need both empowerment and accountability. "Teams need to be given space, time, and they also need to be accountable. You can't send three people off into the wilderness for a few weeks and hope that they come back with a great answer," he said. Guidance and accountability, paired with the freedom to explore, are crucial for achieving well-defined results.


He further explained, "Clarity of why we're here, small teams able to get quickly to answers, and giving those teams enough space and clear accountability often tie it all together. Creatively led businesses can lack in this area; they might give too much space or too harsh accountability."


This balance is vital in maintaining the human element in creative processes. "That doesn't work. That's too prescriptive, and it doesn't allow for the messy squiggle, the human element, which actually, that's the defining power of Forsman & Bodenfors' global footprint."






Setting Expectations and Culture


For Toby, the culture at Forsman & Bodenfors is both intense and supportive. "Yes, you have freedom and space, but it's also intense. We demand a lot, but we give a lot," he noted. This culture might not suit everyone, but it attracts and retains top talent who thrive in such an environment.


Anthony added, "In creative problems, solutions often come when you're not working on them, whether that's in the shower, driving, or doing whatever. Finding that balance is key."


Toby also shared his perspective on the unrealistic expectations sometimes placed on leaders. "If your CEO says, 'I'm going to go off into the woods for three days and come back with our strategy,' run." Effective strategy development requires collaboration, clarity, and a grounded approach rather than isolated, top-down directives.




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The conversation with Toby Southgate highlighted the importance of creating an environment where teams feel empowered yet accountable, with clear guidance and the freedom to innovate. Forsman & Bodenfors' unique approach to leadership and organizational structure offers valuable lessons for leaders aiming to foster creativity and achieve exceptional results.


For more insights from industry leaders like Toby Southgate, tune in to the Strategy and Leadership podcast, where Anthony Taylor brings you engaging discussions on navigating the evolving business landscape.



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