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Strategic Life Planning: Jean St. Pierre’s $100 Million Journey

By Anthony Taylor - August 28, 2024

In the latest episode of the Strategy and Leadership Podcast, host Anthony Taylor sits down with Jean St. Pierre, the co-founder and chairman of the Rhombus Group. Jean shares his compelling story of building a $100 million business, losing it all, and then rediscovering his path through deep introspection and strategic planning. The conversation is packed with valuable insights for entrepreneurs aiming to achieve business success while maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.




From Entrepreneurial Drive to Devastating Setback

Jean’s entrepreneurial journey is one of relentless ambition. From the very beginning, his goal was growth—he wanted to build big companies and push the boundaries of what was possible. However, after 15 years of hard work and expansion, Jean was unexpectedly fired from the very company he had built. This experience was a harsh wake-up call, one that led him to realize that his business goals were completely disconnected from his personal aspirations.


“Growth for me was a driver,” Jean recalls. “I always wanted to grow companies as big as I possibly could, until one day it hit me that the light at the end of the tunnel wasn’t success—it was a train.”


This failure pushed Jean to re-evaluate everything, leading him to a period of deep introspection. Rather than focus solely on business strategy, Jean took time to examine his personal goals and align them with his entrepreneurial ambitions.





The Missing Link: A Life Plan 

One of the most profound lessons Jean learned during this period was the importance of having a life plan. While he had always been meticulous about strategic planning for his business, he had never applied the same level of intention to his personal life. This disconnect, he believes, is what led to his downfall.


“I never had a life plan for myself. I had a strategic business plan, but I never asked myself what I really wanted in life,” Jean shares. “It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I realized I needed to align my business goals with my life goals.”


This insight became the foundation for what Jean now calls his “30-Year Life Plan.” By mapping out where he wanted to be in various areas of his life—financially, health-wise, in relationships, and spiritually—over a 30-year horizon, he was able to break down his goals into actionable steps. He set targets for where he needed to be in ten years, three years, one year, and even down to each day, ensuring that every action was aligned with his long-term vision.




The Seven Principles of Entrepreneurial Success

Armed with this new perspective, Jean applied his hard-won lessons to his next venture, successfully growing it to $100 million without the pitfalls that plagued his previous journey. His approach is built on what he now calls the “Seven Principles of Entrepreneurial Success,” which include:

1. Start with a Life Plan: Understand what you truly want out of life before diving into business goals.

2. Align Your Business Goals with Your Life Plan: Make sure your business supports your overall vision, rather than derailing it.

3. Prioritize Introspection:  Regular self-reflection is key to staying on track and making sure you’re working toward what truly matters.

4. Focus on What’s Important: Understand that growth at all costs isn’t sustainable. Balance business success with health, relationships, and personal fulfillment.

5. Adopt a Long-Term Perspective: Break down your life goals into manageable steps, ensuring that each action moves you closer to your vision.

6. Develop Resilience: Failures and setbacks are inevitable, but they can be valuable learning opportunities if you take the time to reflect.

7. Embrace Abundance: Life is not just about work—find joy in all that life has to offer.


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Strategic Planning for Life and Business

The conversation between Jean and Anthony also touches on the idea of “work-life abundance” rather than balance. For Jean, the key is to structure your life in a way that allows for both professional success and personal fulfillment. Drawing inspiration from methodologies like Gary Keller’s The One Thing and Jim Collins’ Hedgehog Concept, Jean emphasizes the importance of focusing on what truly matters and being intentional in every decision.


“When I structure my days now, I ask myself, ‘Am I aligned with my 30-year life plan?’” Jean explains. “Every action I take should move me closer to that long-term vision.”






➡️ Looking for a sample agenda for your strategic planning offsite? 


Closing Thoughts

Jean’s story is a powerful reminder that entrepreneurship isn’t just about financial success. It’s about creating a life that’s meaningful and fulfilling on all fronts. For entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses, Jean’s advice is clear: don’t let your business run your life—run your business in a way that aligns with your life goals.

As Jean succinctly puts it, “You run a business, but you aren’t a business.” By taking the time to plan your life with as much care as you plan your business, you can achieve not only financial success but also a life filled with purpose and satisfaction.


Tune in to this episode to hear more of Jean’s insights, and remember: success in business should never come at the cost of your well-being and happiness.



SME Strategy is a management consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations develop and implement their strategic plans. We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward faster.

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