Elevate your team's ability to drive your organization forward.
Choose the workshops that best fit your needs.
These 3-hour sessions (unless otherwise noted) are offered a la carte, giving you the flexibility to address your most pressing challenges and build a customized learning experience for your team. Workshops are $2500 unless otherwise noted.
Team Effectiveness & Communications
- Optimizing Team Work & Performance With Charters & Tools
- Creating Effective Communication & Collaboration With Your Leadership Team
Change Management
- Preparing for Successful Change
- Leading & Implementing Successful Change
Project Management
- Project Management Fundamentals
- Prioritization Within Projects to Develop an MVP using MoSCoW
Stakeholder Engagement
- Facilitated Stakeholder Engagement
Book Your Leadership Development Workshop Today
Team Effectiveness & Communications Workshops
These workshops combine two powerful tools for team success: clear communication and shared agreements.
Participants will learn how to develop a team charter to guide interactions and create a communication map to streamline information flow.
Available workshops:
- Optimizing Team Work & Performance With Charters & Tools
- Creating Effective Communication & Collaboration With Your Leadership Team
Optimizing Team Work & Performance With Charters & Tools
Create A Team Charter for Improved Effectiveness
This workshop will provide insights into your team's current development stage and equip you with strategies to enhance its effectiveness.
The module is designed to help teams understand where they are at in the process of team development, and how they can optimize their work and performance. During this workshop, teams will develop a team agreement for shared expectations of working together and learn how to support other teams with this process.
Outcome: To have an agreement to guide leadership team interactions as the strategic plan is implemented.
Output: A Team Agreement/Team Charter.
Creating Effective Communication & Collaboration With Your Leadership Team
Mapping Supportive Communication Systems
Develop essential communication planning skills. You'll learn how to identify communication needs and gaps, design effective communication systems, and create a roadmap for seamless collaboration.
This module guides teams in planning their communication and collaboration strategies, including identifying key partners and determining appropriate levels of interaction.
This can be done at the individual or department level to identify current needs and gaps, and to develop systems and processes for individual and group discussions, including both one-time and regular communication.
Outcome: Participants will engage in a discussion and mapping session to: 1) document current leadership team communication channels and cadences; 2) evaluate the effectiveness of these channels and cadences in supporting the vision; and 3) identify any communication gaps or redundancies.
Output: A map of current state and future state synchronous and asynchronous communication touch points, systems, and cadences for the leadership team to reach their vision.
Change Management Workshops
How well is your organization prepared for change?
These workshops will help you answer that question and equip you with the skills to lead your team through transitions effectively. Learn how to prepare for change, understand its importance, and apply proven frameworks.
Available workshops:
- Preparing for Successful Change (Part 1)
- Leading & Implementing Successful Change (Part 2)
The comprehensive two-part change management workshop program is available for $5000.
Part 1: Preparing for Successful Change
Best Practices in Change Management
This theoretical module is designed to help teams understand how to prepare for change and why change management is important. During this session, leadership teams will discuss how to prepare for change by working through a real scenario. Additionally, teams will learn about two possible change management frameworks that can be applied to manage change moving forward.
Outcome: Ensure leadership preparedness for an upcoming planned internal change (responding to an internal or external need) by fostering understanding of the change process.
Output: Create a clear roadmap for your change initiative with a 5Ps map. This valuable tool will help you strategically plan and manage your change process, ensuring smoother transitions and greater success.
Part 2: Leading & Implementing Successful Change
Practical Skills: Applying Change Management Frameworks
Develop practical skills in applying change management frameworks (Prosci ADKAR or Kotter) to real-world scenarios. Working with your team, you'll create a draft change management roadmap, focusing on both people and process, providing a clear path for leading successful organizational change. This hands-on experience will equip you to confidently navigate future change initiatives.
This module is designed for leadership teams to deepen the application of change management following the change preparation exercise. The group will select and apply one of the two change management frameworks as a group to apply to their current case study.
Outcome: Provide leaders with a framework for understanding and leading organizational change, emphasizing both people and process
Output: You'll create a draft change management roadmap using either the Prosci ADKAR or Kotter model, recognizing that change management is an iterative process.
Project Management Workshops
Effective strategy implementation requires more than just a good plan – it demands skillful project management.
This workshop focuses on the critical step of project prioritization using the MoSCoW method (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have). Participants will learn how to define clear project scopes and develop actionable plans by identifying the “must-haves,” “should-haves,” “could-haves,” and “won’t-haves” within individual projects.
Building on our previous workshops on strategic prioritization and project/initiative prioritization, this module provides the tactical project-level prioritization skills needed to ensure resource allocation aligns with strategic objectives.
Available workshops
- Project Management Fundamentals
- Prioritization Within Projects: Develop an MVP using MoSCoW
Project Management Fundamentals
Project Management Best Practices + Methodologies
This workshop will enhance your leadership skills in project management. It will equip you with the fundamental knowledge and tools to effectively lead project teams, scope projects, and develop actionable plans. You'll leave prepared to guide your team to successful project completion.
This module is designed to help organizations improve their project execution by leveraging basic project management methodologies.
Workshop participants will learn basic project management best practices and the team will work together to scope a current project and prepare to launch it.
Individuals will leave committed to following project management methodologies for future projects.
- Outcome: For leaders to learn and apply the fundamentals of project management
- Output: A draft project charter as applied to a current or upcoming project.
Prioritization Within Projects: Develop an MVP using MoSCoW
MVP Planning: The MoSCow Method
Strategic plans often fail due to poor project execution. This workshop addresses this critical gap by providing the tools and techniques needed for effective project prioritization. By focusing on the "must-haves," you'll ensure your team's efforts are directed towards the most valuable activities, leading to more efficient resource allocation and faster progress towards your strategic goals.
This module is designed to further support organizations with the project management side of strategy implementation.
In this module, we focus on prioritization within projects to determine the musts, shoulds, coulds and won’ts (MoSCoW) to develop a project scope & plan. This is the third level of prioritization that we cover, followed by strategic prioritization, and prioritization of projects & initiatives.
Outcome: The participants will learn about project scoping and prioritization, specifically learning to apply the MoSCoW framework in a participatory way.
Output: A completed MoSCoW matrix for one of their projects.
Stakeholder Engagement Workshops
Bridge the gap between strategy and action. Drive organizational success by focusing on the critical element of stakeholder alignment in strategic implementation.
Facilitated Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
Engage Internal and External Stakeholders
Participating in the facilitated stakeholder engagement workshop empowers senior leaders to make more informed decisions, build stronger stakeholder relationships, and increase the likelihood of successful strategic implementation.
Drive buy-in and collaboration with facilitated stakeholder engagement. This module supports your strategic plan implementation by connecting you with internal and external stakeholders. Choose from three flexible agenda templates or request a custom design to meet your specific needs.
Outcome: To provide senior leaders with critical stakeholder perspectives on specific themes, gathered in a facilitated context that promotes open sharing, to inform strategic decision-making.
Output: Comprehensive meeting notes capturing all key discussion points, along with a synthesized summary of the most important themes and insights, highlighting areas of consensus, disagreement, and potential opportunities.